Confirmation Sunday–May 11
Nine of our teens have been faithfully attending Affirming Faith meetings twice a month for the last 8 months. They have studied a fair amount of Church history (both congregational roots and the development of this church, now on the eve of its 250th anniversary), approaches to understanding the bible, its uses and abuses, the distinctiveness of the United Church of Christ and how this is expressed in our Statement of Faith, and the many ways church folk serve God in the world and in the church…plus taking a plunge with all kinds of questions of faith and life which start with “Why…?”
All along the way, we kept in mind the class members’ intention to, when ready, affirm their faith and the vows made by their parents when they were baptized. Sunday, May 11–Mothers Day–is the day.
These are the stellar members of the Class of 2013-2014: Kaitlyn Cowan, Josh Kuchinski, Melody Larson, Emma MacCallum, Kaj Ovady, Clara Phillips, Erica Tynes, Jared Tynes, and Thomas Weeks. The class was led by Sharon Vandermay and Rev. Gard, with encouragement (and occasional sustenance–“goodies”) from all the parents.
We look forward to these fine and faithful individuals and their energy, thoughtfulness and creativity being welcomed by the congregation as equal partners in the mission and ministry of the church.
Years ago and far away, I remember a particularly thoughtful church member introducing a newcomer to the congregation with a challenge–not to the new person, but to the church: You must remember, the congregation is an organism. When even one person is added, the whole organism adapts to it. The whole church changes and is made new. I hope our confirmands, as new members, become one with us on those very powerful terms! LKG
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