Winter Break Game/Pizza Night

First Congregational Church, New Gloucester
Thursday, February 20, 5 pm until ?
Dust off your scrabble skills, play cards, bring a long a board game you love, play bingo or just come along for pizza and fun.
Pizza Preparation will start at 5 pm. If you can bring any of these ingredients please contact Joseph Ovady at ovady.j <AT> Pizza dough, sauce, toppings (cheese, chopped veggies, cooked meats…), snack foods, beverages, desserts.
Children are asked to bring a favorite game to play,or craft to share. Also, for Bingo prizes, perhaps a toy, game , book, dvd, or video game that you’ve outgrown, but somebody else might love.
If you’re planning to come, emailing Joseph at the address above would help him know how much food to prepare.
This event is scheduled during school vacation, but it’s NOT LIMITED TO KIDS. Old fuddy-duddies, cribbage sharks and anybody else who might light to spend an evening with friends (instead of the TV and the cat) are most welcome.
Come on out. You know you want to!
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