We are congregationalists…
…so we have congregational meetings which each year set the course for our ministries and fellowship.
The Congregation’s Annual Meeting was held Sunday, January 23, after 9:30 worship.
And, WOW, did you miss some great homemade soups, beans, bread/biscuits/cornbread, cakes and PIES! About 40 members attended, plus 5 of our Confirmation Class members. Written reports of staff, committees, officers and organizations are available in the Parish Center for those who were unable to attend. If you wish to have a copy mailed to you, please call the office at nine two six, three two six zero.
NOTE: Pledges received for the year 2011 total $83,174 as of the Annual Meeting. This was not enough to pass a budget that could be called anything other than bare bones, as in one or two other income sources we know we will have considerably less than in prior years to add to the very healthy pledges. The budget which was passed includes a deficit of a little over $1,000–about .7% of the budget.
This was John Tynes’ last meeting as Moderator, after 6 terms in the position…our bylaws requiring even the most dedicated souls to take a break. John was presented with a white carnation bouttonierre, which he proudly wore through the meeting.
New officers elected include: Paul Russo, Moderator; Alan Hahnel, Vice-Moderator; Pam Peters, Assistant Treasurer; and Dean Neal, Councilor at Large.
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